Ever wonder how artist retreats, spiritual healing centers, and intentional communities are born?
Why they fail?
How some survive & thrive?
The primary questions we always hear at Kulana Artist/Goddess Sanctuary are: HOW did you originally DO it...& what's happening at Kulana NOW?
Can you imagine how spending pivotal holidays & building something from the ground on up with strangers might wind up transforming your life?
Some eras were blissful; others...not so much!
This new 2023 Expanded Edition of our book on community is part personal stories, part how-to manual, with lots of pix from our various incarnations. Join us for the adventure! :)
In terms of what's happening at Kulana now, in brief, these days we are prioritizing holding a stable center during Earth's rockin' & rollin' times, with an expanded focus on doing our part towards co-creating World Peace. This means worldwide community interactions are taking precedence over (i.e. somewhat replacing) the facilitation of in-person visitors here at the home space.
At least for now.
Therefore, the easiest way one can learn about what we've been up to -- & what we're up to now -- is by checking out what we put lots of good mana into sharing via the recently released book:
where all kinds of questions are answered in photo-illustrated depth. ;)
Part true life stories, part Operations Manual on how to create sustainable, "drama-free" community in this day & age (which, as anyone who has ever lived in intentional community for any lengthy of time can tell you, is no small feat!), the volume is available in color hardcover, paperback, & e-editions, + b/w trade paperback.
What a fun — & somewhat breathtaking! — stroll down memory lane.
It -- along with the other books that Kulana's Founder & friends have been busily seeding into the world -- are the best way to catch up on all our adventures co-creating & living "Intentional Community" throughout the years, including how we handled money, magic, love, forgiveness, being 'pono' with integrity here in Hawaii, etc.
But here's a quick disclaimer for anyone hoping that this community-related material will be a juicy tell-all that names names: it won't.
In respect for people's privacy, we delve into the overall dilemmas + lessons explored throughout Kulana's eras of "doing community," rather than churning through specific interpersonal moments.
For readers who might LIKE a more explicit look at precisely how relational conundrums can & do unfold...how they sometimes take hold...and sometimes can even explode within intentional communities of one kind or another, those sorts of stories can be found within the 'Gathering The Dreamcatchers' series of companion fiction instead. Most specifically:
* Paradise Found (https://www.amazon.com/Paradise-Found-Gathering-Dreamcatchers-Novel-ebook/dp/B07DS7FGVZ/), a novel about folks trying to create a truer sense of home & community, while endeavoring to change the world & navigate friendship, love, sexuality, personal growth, + the challenges Fate can throw everyone's way...(can you relate?!) ;)
along with the books that directly precede & succeed that novel:
* Esoterica
* Action: The Future Is Here


* Living In Light
(As we're sure anyone can guess, it is much kinder to examine detailed real & imagined intricacies of potential complications, choices, + human/community mistakes in the guise of carefully crafted fiction, rather than within a non-fiction volume of personal reminiscences/operational 'how to's'!)
Feel free to reach out with thoughts about what resonates with -- or is different from -- your own community experiences.
We love comparing notes!
Sample Kulana visitor comment:
"A refuge of sanity. Swedish fish & board games & extension ladders & mile markers & bananas & turtles...the American experiment continues." Bef & Jen, writers, students
Meanwhile, other books have also been whirling their way out into the world from this magical location from our mystery school co-creators that anyone particularly interested in what life, in general, is like on the active Big Island of Hawaii volcano &/or those working with our orgonites might find useful include Molten Mama's recently published:
More an experience, a portal, an invitation into Sacred Space with a friend than a "book," this creation aims at energetically hitching one's stars to the divine energies currently afoot:
In closing this post, let's be grateful that a fact of Life here on Planet Earth at this time is: whatever people support is what continues to exist.
And what thrives!
So thanks very much for your interest over the years...for the monetary expressions of appreciation via our Paypal donations button in the sidebar...& for all sorts of other types of support from those who have spent time here at Kulana, as well as those who have not.
Your care is tremendously appreciated.
Warmest aloha blessings to all!