Quotes From New & Old Friends



"Thank you for this safe space to do my inner work. I really appreciate what you have created here and shared with me...Especially I am grateful for the support you were willing to give, your care of nature, and your wisdom."

Sharon, healer

"Thank you so much for an unforgettable week here. I will cherish the memories we made and my time...Thank you for always listening, asking the best/most important questions, and opening your heart. Thank you for helping me find my path."

Allison, student

"Why stay at the same place? I love the singing frogs at night...I love the light rain...I love the twinkling living room lights...I love the feline housemates...and I love the...interesting conversations, thought-provoking ideas, community conscious(ness), observational fun...shared adventures...delicious home-made ginger tea! This last visit I stayed on a work trade basis. I like contributing to the upkeep & evolution of this place...I also sought out a mentor, mostly mystery school support. I didn't know what to anticipate and am grateful that I chose this form of mentoring...for sacred reflection & growth. I'm...fuller, softer, stronger, more open, more aware -- with more revelations to come in the days, weeks, etc beyond..."

Danni, banker by day, animal communicating psychic by night

"It's a wonderful place here and everywhere is so much Love...I felt here harmonie, enjoyed the beauty...I stayed three nights and did not leave this place in this time. It was time to slow down and to mediate, to listen to my inner voice. You gave me a lot of inspiration...I used the great room with all the instruments and books...so much to do, to explore, to enjoy, to experience here."

Claudia, world traveler

"I arrived on July 18 & immediately knew that I had chosen the most sacred & perfect place to do my Soul & Heart Awakening journey. As a partial work exchange woman here, I had the wonderful opportunity to work on the land & structures & give back to the sanctuary that was providing me so much magical space & love. My Mystery School Collaboration & transformational ceremony was deep, profound, awakening to my core...this has been the most spiritually amazing & extraordinary 2 weeks of my life."

Kate, personal growth coach

"Coming from a city where I'm used to the hustle & bustle of the town to a quiet slow moving town is wonderful. I loved falling asleep to the singing frogs every night & also seeing the baeutiful stars. It's nice to be able to slow down for once in a long time. I really enjoyed hanging out on the beach with you...& swimming in Mother Nature's pool."

Mae, student

"Life is one big journey and experience. Memories are the only thing that will stay with us forever. The opportunity to share this beautiful land for a short time was one of those experiences which matter."

Michael, philosopher

"It was for me really important and really great to spend time with you. I probably never forget you and your sacred place. Because it was magic. I had lot of revelations. And I'm sure a transformation. One day to the ocean, our meditation, our plants mandala, our conversation with a cup of tea...so beautiful moments."

Magali, world traveler

"Thank you so much for this much needed retreat time and most of all, the lovely conversations. I came on this trip thinking I'd spend a lot of time by myself and very little time connecting with others. I am so grateful that I'm mistaken!!! I feel inspired and encouraged by all of the thoughts and stories we exchanged. I will try to be back as soon as possible. :)"

Annika, activist

"It was an honor...I know that all the souls that walk through here are blessed and will contribute to our greatest art project...A NEW EARTH!"

Marlo, activist

"Thank you for telling me how to meditate in Ocean. Thank you for sharing the spiritual experience. I could feel nature more, spiritual flow more. I can feel I could grow up more than before. Thanks universe. :)"

Chiba, artist

"Thank you for your medicine in your shining light and vibration and this sanctuary you serve, take care of, cultivate and grow. What a gift it has been being here with you on this land...I am so grateful Great Spirit brought me here on my healing journey -- I actually healed my womb and the physical sickness I was carrying here with your support, and the support of Tutu Pele, the waters, dolphins, and this land. THANK YOU! I feel the magic alive here -- the magic of coming home -- back to myself, my inner being, heart, wisdom, love, and medicine. Finding a place, a sanctuary, a container to let the divine feminine heal and rise is not as easy as it could be and I pray and believe one day will be, but...here you are...May you feel the reverberation of the nurturing love here through all time and space."

Lauren, healer

"I was looking for some clarity and connection...and I found that and more. You inspired me to continue expressing myself through truth and love and to keep following my heart."

Alexa, being of joy

"Muchos Mahalos for the beautiful experience of staying with you in your beautiful creation. Transformation galore has come about due to the enlightened energy present in your space."

Melissa, being of joy

"I'm glad I got to share my life story with you, as I do believe I am on this island to do some healing and soul searching with the help of Mother Nature. Thank you for sharing your wonderful magic."

Brittany, artist

"Pele is just amazing. We love your home and everything that comes with it. You managed to not shut the nature out despite the walls...this is just amazing."

Maren & Greg, world travelers

"Thank you for allowing me this space to grow as an individual, I couldn't have asked for a more perfect time...I was able to find my inner child, get creative, sing, laugh, trust my intuition...you have taught me a lot."

Emma, student of life

"Will cherish memories forever. Live lava only a few feet away! Fixing the staircase...petting the lovely cats...fresh strawberry guavas from the tree...I bow to you...thank you for my nurturing healing."

Alan, businessperson

"I will leave this place with some new wisdom and inner peace...I hope to take some of this place's magic out into the world."

Katrin, student

"Every morning we woke up to hearing birds and it is a special experience. Greenery. Quiet and pollution free (coming from Houston, TX this is heaven!)

Krish & Sri, beings of joy


"Thank you for providing such a peaceful and tranquil place to rest. Thanks for all the tips you've shared - they saved a lot of work and efforts on my part. It was because of you that I got the chance to see the lava last night and I am pretty sure it will be once in a life experience for me."



"Everything about my trip has fallen into place 'just so' - from my "mistake" with the timing to Pele's blessings of beautiful weather for my hike...It was a wonderful experience to sleep through rain so loud I could do nothing else but surrender to the sound...I hope your next visitor has as wonderful a stay as I have."


                                   creative goddess on healing journey

"I am leaving Big Island today with a smile in my soul. My heart can't stop Thank You! to you for open the doors of your home. I could feel your love and goodness every day that I stay here (Magic Mountain). Life is Beautiful and you are part of that Beauty!"


                                   teacher, Venezuela/California

"{A}ppealing from the moment I saw your listing, I just knew I had to come here.
{L}ush nature so well respected here, I felt like a guest of Mother Nature.
{O}penness a sanctuary of respect, tolerance & open minds.  A sacred space for the soul.
{H}armony exactly what home feels like.
{A}nd...what else do you need?!? I will be back!"


                                   goddess on a journey

"Thank you for creating such a wonderful, healing sanctuary and for oepning it to others. I discovered you when I needed to be here...I knew I would find sacred, quiet space. As I sat on the deck the first morning the plant in the pot next to the chair tapped me on the arm...the message is on the wind. I sat watching the wind & the misty rain trying to hear."


                                   goddess exploring life

"Thank you for a magical experience...We're calling it the '7* accommodation' (that's above 5 stars!) for all of the varying attributes at this earthly home. We have loved exploring the neighborhood, being so close to the active volcano, walking near the flowing lava, walking on young lava & witnessing its power of the earth as the lava flowed into the ocean. The tranquility & quiet has given us some of the best sleep in a long while."

                                    -Michelle, Rod, Mumsy Ann-Marie, Gillian

                                   Australia & South Africa

"To Be. To Shine. To Love. The days here were magical, thoughtful and flowing. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and beeing a beautiful sister to talk to. I will remember our lovely talks forever!"



"I enjoyed above all the inspiring discussion we had about music, self-awareness & how one should follow the inner rhythm. Thank you for your caring during my stay!"


                                   goddess in the flow of Life

"Thank you for the work you do here. I can see the love in every piece that went into building the Kulana goddess sanctuary. Wow, what an intense island! What joy it brought me to feel the waves crash against my body. And the sea turtles, they spoke to me. I later read on the oracle cards that they signify parenthood, very fitting."


                                   goddess 7 months pregnant!

"Wow what amazing Land around here Pele is alive and we got glimpses of her glow at night. Magical place and such nourishing conversations with other guests...so beautiful. Really a place to reconnect back to nature! We loved the singing frogs at night and we'll take all this magic and aloha back in our hearts to Australia."

                                    -Tanya & Marijke

                                   mother goddess & adult daughter

"Your brilliance and kindness. Your laughter and fun. Your delicious nutritious dishes. Your every smile in the sun. Such a wonderful life of truth and peace. Such a wonderful mind of soothing restful ease. I'll come back soon!"

                                    -Shari Rose


"Your land and space created a safe sanctuary and home base for amazing, meaningful and joyful healing experiences...had such a great time connecting with you. So nice to know I have another soul sister in the world!!"


                                   Canada/South Africa

"Thank you so much for your very warm hospitality, your kindness in helping us and sharing your way of life...Really respect your natural way of living. We all should love our mother earth more."

                                    -Diana & Phong


"Pele is glowing. Frogs are singing. Stars are blazing. Thank you for creating and stewarding this beautiful, magical, peaceful place. I know I will see you again!"


                                   goddess on the move

"The quiet, the stars, the abundance of oxygen. The vast space to do nothing. The volcano crunching under my feet: (this place) has given me the space to realize what I want."

Seti, singer, actor, model, businesswoman

"Thank you so much for bringing me into your space and sharing & spending time with me. Making vision boards together was a genuine pleasure, and I will now have something for home that both helps guide me onwards and reminds me of creating that guide. I felt comfortable to be my authentic self!"

Maia, photographer, biker

"Mahalo nui loa for the incredible aloha! Pele created this land, but you have loved and stewarded it, and it is beautiful and heartening to see. I love the wildness you have kept and the passion you clearly have."

Ruthie, businesswoman, world traveller

"Such a special, homey, comfy, creative spot! It is so great to feel that there are people like you just opening their doors to help there be more connection, creating, spirit and love put out into the world. Thank you for welcoming us on our love journey so kindly."

Rachel & Nati, teachers

"I left the goddess retreat feeling refreshed, focused and bubbling with creativity. Working with the natural rhythms of the days and weather paterns helped to remind and solidify an appreciation of our synergetic relationship to all."

Victoria, healer

"This was the best part of our stay on the Big Island. We loved the discussions & being in this creative place."

Angela & Patty, writer, painter, massage therapist, businesswoman

"A refuge of sanity."

Bef & Jen, writers, students

"I enjoyed the nighttime sounds, the frogs, the crickets, the rain. I'll always remember being amongst tropical foliage, ducking and squeezing my way around banana trees and hiking through the fairy tale-like meditation trail. I love the open hearts and welcoming faces at Kulana, and I love the kitties. Thank you for bringing your vision forth so that we could experience it and feel blessed. Thank you for your aloha."

Debbie, writer, mother, nurse

"What a gem (this) is in the middle of the rainforest! Deeply healing & refreshing!"

Maria, mother, writer

"We found a lot of clarity here! It felt great to work the land and to wake up to the warm sun. The peacefulness and balance of the rainforest ecosystems all around us made our own communication skills and ability to work together even stronger!"

Kate & Elena, writers, filmmakers, world explorers

"We have never been in such a lush area full of all types of wonderful plants. The lemon papayas were so delicious! We were also delighted to see the crater during the Kilauea Iki trail and then the gorgeous colors of the spewing crater at night. Our stay could not have been better. Your hospitality made us feel so at home. This place is so full of energy yet so peaceful."

Vanessa, scientist

"Here I had both the solitude and community to continue on my path of moving from darkness to luminous light."

Kyra, writer, activist

"It's been a time of learning, great creativity, spiritual learning, and healing."

Michelle, playwrite, comic, teacher

"I am so blessed to have met you and shared so many wonderful memories, ideas and meals. The kindness you offer and your vision here have the power to change lives and the world. I go into my next life cycle with a lovely, clear, refreshed mind and joyous, nurtured heart thanks to you and this wonderful fruit of your dream time."

Christina, teacher, painter, drama coach

"Wonderful to have an atmosphere for such wonderful conversations."

Sue, spiritual thinker

"What a bright light you've been--a rest stop of care & joy & reality on my Big Island adventure. Thank you for opening your heart & vision to share this lovely space...A delightful, relaxing, & energizing time here. All that firey Pele and feline energy will surely boost my creative soul to simmer, steam and flow! Gratitude for the time and sacred space to Be."

Elayne, writer, world-traveller

"Thank you for another exciting visit and the beautiful people this address attracts."

John-Christopher, singer, landscape artist

"Thank you for all the beautiful & unexpected experiences. When I arrived here I was very open to whatever wanted to begin in my life and part of me was needing to recover & rest. I found all that I needed here."

Kerrie, multi-media artist

"A place is only as special as the people and other living things and spirits that fill it. This place is special!!"     Abby, writer, publisher

"Thank you for being such a gracious host to my mom and me. We both thoroughly enjoyed our time--the quiet was especially remarkable."

Alice & Su-Shen

"Thank you so much for your warmth & hospitality. Your home is so beautiful & peaceful and I look forward to my next visit! It was so fun to chat with instant friends."

Median, rainforest homesteader

"What a nice change from the impersonal, sterile comforts of most hotel rooms."

Marian, writer, filmmaker

"I discovered lots of hidden places, sacred to myself....There were unbelievable moments of peace and freedom...and glimpses of what life might be to me. Above the clouds, in clear air and under a sleepy falling sun, I realized that there's no more wealth to achieve than to believe in your own godgiven identity. It's the best you can get--yourself....I am what I am: someone that touched the volcano. With a beard full of memories, a ring of tasted life, and a flurry feathering nest full of hope."

Angela, writer, photographer

"Woke to the sound of rain makai... feeling one foot in the past and one in the future... I needed solitude, new landscapes, work that worked my body and my soul... Don't know where this road is going but I'm happy to walk it."

Cora, poet, photographer, researcher of rare & endangered plants

"Wow! What can I say about such a life-changing experience? An amazing two and a half month opportunity for contemplation, meditation and internal work--those things that needed attention oozed up to the surface and flowed out like lava from Kilauea... Books, conversations and movies that all converged on points key to my book and my spiritual growth...lessons in existing harmoniously...discovering a true sense of community....I have to leave for now, but I will return!"

Jordan, singer, songwriter, healer

"This is my third year and visit--what a joy! My grieving and all obstacles are dispersed... I am divinely blessed and guided... I smile with satisfaction... garlic, pasta, lobster, butter--pleasure.   New friendships blossom in the fertile soil.   I am cradled by the shadow place of swirling water, cleansing rain, surf collides with the shore and I am soothed. Back in 4 months if all goes well."

Shirley, nurse, massage therapist, farmer, inventor

"Musical instruments, a great house, & warm people...who could ask for anything more!"

Dan, Eli, & Bobby, bandmates

"This is the cleanest community kitchen I have ever seen!"

Jonathan, tour guide, world adventurer

"I came back (from this sanctuary) feeling really calm and rested for the first time in a long time."

Laura, jewelery & clothing designer, painter, activist


