Friday, December 29, 2023

Art Gifting Across a Sister Continent!


Mama Molten Orgonites

Made right here at Kulana Artist/Goddess Sanctuary in recent years...

resonate, reverberate, & rumble forth across Australia!

Mama Molten Orgonite

In the spirit of the painted stone "movement" that's been rippling across Planet Earth -- with the idea of spreading a little extra soul-nourishing joy + person-to-person kindness during what some may call uncertain but we define as "mighty expansive" times -- one Ozzie woman is gifting made-at-Kulana-on-Pele's-Home-Island Mama Molten Orgonite pieces, one-by-one, to intuitive friends plus whatever lucky strangers happen to find one tucked somewhere outside in her neck of the woods.

Here are a few videos provided:

To learn more about &/or obtain our orgonites, go here:

Mama Molten Orgonites

Orgonites featured on this page were made by Mama Molten
on the volcanic Big Island of Hawaii.

Imagery + videos appearing on this page are courtesy of Danni T of Australia.

All Rights Reserved.

