Sunday, December 8, 2024

"Community" Collections End of Year Sale!

Well, the end of 2024 is almost here ... and here we still are as well. :) Kudos to us all, since thriving in such transitionary times is no small feat!

In celebration, e-editions of both fiction & real life stories regarding the realities of doing intentional community alongside implementing collective societal change/evolution are 25% off at Smashwords from December 12, 2024 - January 1, 2025.


You'll find the promo for these + a whole lot of other interesting books here: beginning on December 12th.

Action: The Future Is Here

In this time of coming changes, long foretold, it is time, once again, to act. 

As a mixed race, modern-day, New Mexico pueblo 21-year-old, Lisel Martinez has been glad to be safely home, co-creating an odd kind of shared life with three California housemates picked up along the way when, once upon a time, she was (much less safely) trying to survive out in the larger world.

Personally, she would be content to do nothing more than keep puttering around in the ever-expanding garden out behind her ramshackle home for the rest of her life ... except Life for indians (or maybe everybody these days?) just seems to keep getting harder, even after everything her people across the nation have already been through.

A photo-illustrated, novella-length combination of fiction + contemporary/historical fact, if old-time grandmothers are correct, during times of upheaval when Earth is being reborn, it's important to act ... and Lisel's friends have come up with a once-in-a-lifetime plan to do just that.

Each e-edition of this book can be found here:

The Smashwords sale version can be acquired here:

Doing Intentional Community:

Expanded 2023 Edition

What exactly is "intentional community?" And how does one go about co-creating it?

Are there typical hurdles to overcome?

In the Green/Sustainable Living Movement, the term "community" often means folks coming together to create some form of shared home space: from co-housing co-ops in cities, to permaculture or off-the-grid nature-based country retreats ... from separatist women's or people of color lands, to communities aimed at unplugging from the wider world's repressive "systems" as much as humanly possible.

The illustrated, creative non-fiction account DOING INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY: Expanded 2023 Edition follows building a certain type of artistic/spiritual co-home adventure on the Big Island of Hawaii from the ground up ... and how this particular, now-worldwide real sense of community continues to transform today.

Like a prismatic drop in the ocean, beyond just being a collection of individuals, global "intentional community" can also equate to entire villages, cities, and nations in the process of cultivating a common history and shared economic/political/spiritual goals. 

What is "world peace," if not that?

Each e-edition of this book can be found here:

The Smashwords sale version can be acquired here:

Molten Mama Books

created here at Kulana Goddess/Artist Sanctuary in recent years
can be obtained via the Smashwords End of 2024 Sale here:

Word Magic = Ethical Wealth
Transformational Alchemy
from the Big Island of Hawaii

All e-version availabilities:

Buy at Smashwords sale:

Messages from the Volcano

All e-version availabilities:

Buy at Smashwords sale:

Mama Molten's Mini Memoi&/or 

Molten Mama's Transformation Tools

NOTE: the black/white PRINT edition of the "Mini Memoir" is just Molten Mama stories, whereas the E-EDITION includes this + interactive "Molten Mama Transformation Tools" as well. 

All e-version availabilities:

Buy at Smashwords sale:

Smashwords 25% off Sale: 

December 12, 2024 - January 1, 2025

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Our 2 cents (200/2000/2 million?) about "Ethical Wealth!"

Any of you who frequent this blog (or receive our every-once-in-awhile informal newsletter) know that surviving/thriving materially, financially, emotionally, spiritually, and in all other ways is something we of the grand experiment in "community" known as Kulana Artist (& later Goddess) Sanctuary have been exploring for quite a number of years...!

And while other such realities have seemingly gotten lost right & left across the globe during the economic crises of 2008, 2015, 2020, etc., in various versions the Kulana adventure has managed to continue on.

To one degree or another, this has involved learning to both physically and metaphysically "master" the concept of establishing/sustaining Ethical Wealth.

Individually, and collectively.

Which is about money ... but it's also about a lot more than that.

We've now put what we've been learning/practicing into a magically illustrated book, because diving into the means of acquiring & maintaining true prosperity during such tumultuous world eras (just as those of you who've participated in our Mystery School work discovered), as always, involves transforming/unentangling one's Self ... and thereby, society right along with us.

In celebration with each of you also doing life along with some form of human "community" on Earth throughout these pivotal times, and for ALL of the moments-days-weeks-months-years our unique paths/dreams/learnings/tears & laughter have been richly connecting, here is the long-awaited:



Transformational Alchemy from the Big Island of Hawaii

What is it?

Not just a book, this is meant to be a 4-D/5-D portal & beyond. 

An experience. 

A "decoder ring," if you will. ;)

An invitation to weave potentially life-changing, life-enhancing new sacred realities ... as is humanity's assignment during these pivotal times. 

Available in color hardcover, paperback, and e-editions, along with b/w trade paperback print.

NOTE: At this moment the cost of the color paperback ( is $4-7ish less than the color hardcover or even the black/white paperback (UBL:

The time of poverty-stricken artists & healers needs to be over.

Happy up-leveling!

Other stuff in support of

our collective transformations:

Want a care package with a surprise orgonite (or small-medium-large selection of orgonites)

Obtain these sacred object/metaphysical tools for 'Mystics on the Go' informally here: 

Want a metaphysically supportive backpack, shower curtain, bedspread, framed print, set of greeting cards, cell phone case, etc. designed right here on Pele's home island as special reminders that we homo sapiens are -- right this very minute -- evolving into the species homo luminous when life lived more in 5D will at last become a whole lot easier...? 

(Thank goodness!)

(Note: not to be confused with the tech-based 'transhumanism' agenda that some folks are pushing...!)

Or seeking a special journal to begin &/or continue processing your own journey with 'ethical wealth?'

Such products (sometimes featuring our orgonites) can be acquired here: 

Excited to learn how "Molten Mama" + other New Earth transitionary adventures began here at Kulana Artist/Goddess Sanctuary?

Check out previous titles:



Saturday, June 22, 2024

Manifesting Dreams Coming True

Many years ago, a favorite activity was attending creative conferences and music festivals held somewhere in glorious, wild Nature, a selection of which went on for a good week or at least a full weekend long. 

Sometimes these involved "work," i.e. being invited to share one's unique gifts with the world there. Other times it was pure R&R vacation solo, with friends, or beloveds.

Besides days and nights spent out under a vast sky dancing or singing along with awesome, often newly-discovered musicians, there were also tented crafts fairs, rustic cabin writerly group readings, and sometimes swimming holes, rivers, or pools nearby to immerse in with friends and friendly strangers alike.

The creative retreats, with their attendance being somewhat smaller, often provided better food ... but the large music festivals -- especially those aimed exclusively for women and young children -- often had outdoor showers and the ability to roam through fields and woods topless (if not bottomless as well).

Where else in the world can women safely be au natural in the great outdoors?

The feelings of freedom this engendered!

The camaraderie ... the peace!

Gosh, now THIS is living! those who participated often thought at the time. The whole world should be like this!!

Cut to years later, when -- after researching quite a number of living-on-the-land opportunities -- Kulana's Founder went on to create her own racially (and otherwise) diverse version of the experience on the Big Island of Hawaii. 

(See photo-illustrated book DOING INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY: Expanded 2023 Edition if you want to know more about that! Color print version:

Now there are many ways to "do" Hawaii...

One certainly can immerse in hotels, condos, timeshares, resorts, tourist packages, and the like.

Kulana's goal was different:

Freedom ... camaraderie ... peace ...

Time to do whatever one had actually come to Planet Earth to do, while living amongst and sharing an appreciation for Nature at its unconquered best.

Which is where we learned to live the "kulana" principle towards practicing manifestation of "joy from within," no matter what else happened to be going on in the world.

In fact, eventually here at Kulana, we even custom-created a journal for humanly-spiritually working on this process, in the form of 236 beautiful blank pages accompanied by 13 months of quotes and images taken from our adventures building this magical, mystical, eco-friendly, artistic-spiritual community (... along with honing our more joyous, self-actualized selves!)

Description: A color photo-illustrated journal for practicing the art of living joyously via the Hawaiian principle of "kulana" (manifesting happiness from within), with plenty of room for your own daily musings, intentions, drawings, and joyful manifestations. 

Months are not pre-labeled, so writing in the Kulana Joy Journal can begin anytime.

Best of all, while this journal we made is supporting you, by purchasing it you are also supporting us ... and as we all know, what is supported is what continues to exist.

So, a lovely win-win. :)  

Thank you so much!

Join us in spirit,

as the process

of making

your OWN dreams

come true,

unfolds! :)

Whatever you're here on this planet to do is as -- if not more -- important now, than ever.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Global Group Meditation -- FREE!

Project Park Bench

Free Worldwide Co-Creative Meditation

every 2nd & 4th Sunday

11 AM PDT/2 PM EDT U.S.A. Timezone

beginning Sunday, July 14th

Sign up to receive free email reminders:

Here's how the organizer describes it:

"We've been asked by the Teachers of Light to end our pause and gather again. It's been requested that we take the next step together now and anchor the landscape, environment, and architecture of the new realm.  It's time we focus on what is possible and create a world of wellbeing and respect. Together.



This is not a teaching of Truth (capital T). It is a focused alignment from the heart to hold an intention from a place of wellbeing, peace, and ease.

Today many are looking for a way to contribute, participate, and remember what they already know but may have forgotten.


It's time to return to the Park Bench.

(Or to the rock or log or wherever you like to quietly sit)."

We'll be there.

Hope you will too! :)

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Community Here, There, & EVERYWHERE: An Excerpt from What We've Learned

So, you know that besides exploring various in-person versions of intentional community we also co-created/compiled a book of words & images to encapsulate what we learned along the way right?

These adventures in co-creating a shared live/work/mystical environment from the early years on up through more recently were set down in the photo-illustrated "DOING INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY: Expanded 2023 Update."

In this day & age when the idea of "community" has grown to encompass kindred spirits globally via a variety of technological means, there's also significant value to be found in savoring experiences IRL (In Real Life).

Here's a little paraphrased taste from our IRL "community living" project:

Available in color print, ebook, + b/w paperback editions

"I am so blessed to have met you and shared so many wonderful memories, ideas, and meals. The kindness you offer and your vision here have the power to change lives and the world. I go into my next life cycle with a lovely, clear, refreshed mind and joyous, nurtured heart thanks to you and this wonderful fruit of your dream time."

Christina, teacher, painter, drama coach 

Every location has its own flavor, which will impact the kinds of experiences that can be enjoyed &/or grown from there.

Here, on the Big Island of Hawaii, there is a layer of ice that never melts on top of Mauna Kea, one of our locale's five volcanoes, which may have formed, scientists theorize, back in the Pleistocene era.

On Kilauea — the most currently active volcano — startled humans often describe the appearance of Goddess Pele as either a young, mysterious woman or older, crone-like figure who materializes into view...and then disappears in the blink of an eye; sometimes with a specific message to impart; other times not.

Mystical lights and other unexplained phenomena also occur on this island regularly.

When the "Kulana" (joy-from-within) community first birthed in this magical, mystical place, the fact that vehicle electrical systems would for no apparent reason just shut down out of the blue when driving up Saddle Road was well-known. In fact, car rental companies at that time forbid their rented vehicles from traversing this road, theoretically because back then all of it was not yet paved...(though rented cars were allowed in other areas which were also not yet paved).

Additionally, there were reports of people in cars being rocked in a way that felt different from wind gusts, and folks seeing things moved from one place to another without any human hands involved.

These days you don't hear about so many mysterious happenings on Saddle Road, though reports of Night Marcher spottings around ancient heiau sites continue.

Yes, the Big Island of Hawaii, home to much magic, is quite an interesting place to live. 

Gorgeous in many places...even "paradise" in some ways, and for some people. 

But also there are underlying realities — some mystical, some more socio-political — that most people arriving to take advantage of time in paradise don't realize.

Now, each of the Hawaiian islands has its own energy...with Kauai being the oldest, most "stable," smaller-sized island in the chain...Maui being mid-size and more developed...Molokai being tiny and the most reminiscent of what old-time Hawaii used to be (only 1 traffic light, last we heard!)...Oahu, with the city of Honolulu, being more urbane...and the Big Island being the largest and most energetically volatile location in the chain, what with being home to an active volcano & all.

How we chose to cope:

Here at our little version of "community," we instituted smoke/drug/alcohol/drama-FREE guidelines right in our first year. However, no amount of good boundaries and avoidance can really dilute the intensity of the red molten energy that's here, which may be par for the course when you choose to live on an active volcano (!).

And seeing the destructive/creative force & flow of new earth/new possibilities/new realities being born is incredible...

Beautiful to behold, but also it is an energy that's not always particularly easy to live with and be immersed in or around full-time...though that's not something which necessarily affects anyone all that much if they are just here for a few weeks of vacation.

What those of us who've spent significant time in this locale noticed is: whatever qualities, quirks, flaws, emotions, or baggage someone came to this particular island with, over time (and sometimes it did not take very long!) those qualities and emotions tended to intensify.

This meant: if you came here ready to create, your creativity was likely to EXPLODE.

I watched (& personally experienced) whole soundtracks being born in a day...!

Yet as the Founder of Kulana, I & subsequent stewards-in-my-stead also saw the qualities of procrastination, disorganization, insecurity, fear, and ineptness take hold, bringing occasional misery to the reflector of those qualities...and everyone else with whom they needed to interact.

I watched people come to this location intending to bike everywhere around an island where the elevation ranges from sea level to 14,000 feet, when they hadn't even biked around the block back where they lived...and saw them receive a rude awakening around their ability to achieve this goal.

I saw people assume they would be able to quit smoking and drinking alcohol instantaneously, just because they chose to arrange time at a sacred substance-use-free space...and fail to do so.

I read with disbelief hastily scrawled notes from people in whom much time had been invested, as they darted off to what seemed to them a better or easier opportunity...without honoring their commitments...without even saying goodbye.

I watched people with no financial resources arrive in a locale where things likely cost more than where they'd come from, assuming somehow money, food, transportation & whatever else they might need would just magically appear...or that someone else out of the various nice people they'd just met would be willing to pick up their costs.

I consoled those who chose to get on a bus without bothering to look at a bus schedule...which, at that time, offered island-style service infrequently enough that this person wound up having to walk many angry miles back to the sanctuary.

I listened to people whose rich histories of relationships-gone-wrong were immediately followed by a wish to exercise their kundalini prowess and join forces with a next new beloved here in the tropics, where surely (they believed) things would work out differently. 

Then again, I also witnessed publishable novels taking shape in a year...

And the putting together of enough new paintings for a longed-for professional gallery show within a concentrated stretch of only six weeks.

And witnessed impossible-seeming problems, healed.

"Yeah!! Kulana Joy Within!! Thank you for your giving heart and your kindness. Kulana was perfect for me at just the perfect time. It's been a time of learning, great creativity, spiritual learning, and healing. I have always wanted to come here and here I am! Kulana will always be in my heart."

Michelle, playwrite, comic, teacher 

Want to hear more about our adventures firsthand?

Read: "DOING INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY: Expanded 2023 Update"

(Available in color print, ebook, + b/w paperback editions)

— especially if you happen to be forming
some sort of community
or mini-retreat center yourself — 
reach out to connect directly
with Kulana's original Founder
via the SIDEBAR BUTTON on this site! :)

(How connecting this way works: Signing up is quick, free, & you only have to do it once. Then we can chat for as briefly or as long as you like anytime that's available. $5 credit applied to first-timers. Charges only apply once chat begins.)


Saturday, February 10, 2024

Where Are My Peeps?!

Well,'s something NEW!

For ages, folks in various circles have been asking for an easy & quick (or expanded/expansive) way to further connect on:

* how to co-create enjoyable, win-win relationships of every kind, even when not every aspect of Life is mutually agreed upon (along with knowing when it's time to let go!) ... 

* how to manifest (or harmoniously sustain) a large or small artistic/health-&-wellness retreat center ... 

* how to apply metaphysics to human, 3-D experiences ... 

* along with how best to navigate these unusual times on Planet Earth! 

Kindred Spirits ... Interaction ... Answers!

As the Founder of Kulana's mini "intentional community" creative/spiritual retreat (which later morphed into a private women's mystery school) -- with all the relationship-building, guidance, boundary-setting, friendships, & magic that entailed -- I've intimately explored the ins & outs of human connection for many years now. 

There can be distinctly different eras, including quiet plateaus; especially these days! 

One year, we even wrote a book about it. ;)

Do you find yourself earnestly seeking your soul kin, soul mate, soul friends, or true soul tribe?

Yearning for authentic relationships where problems get solved, & relationships generally feel "win-win" good??

Let's talk.

I've lived all these realities & more ... and am delighted to have discovered a way to practically & metaphysically address whatever questions anyone near or far might have via a new streamlined way to interact, now that dialoging with interesting strangers that land in our living room isn't what we're doing!

Happy to connect whenever I'm online & available.  :) 

Or we can schedule a specific time:

Looking forward to embarking on conversational adventures, large & small, regarding this topic which is so vital to humanity especially through times of global upheaval & change.

(Here's how it works: sign-up is quick, free, & you only have to do it once ... then you're on my chat page, it's a per-minute charge once we start chatting, & we can interact for as short or as long as you like.)

"Creativity is the language we use to communicate
the urgency of our dreams for a better future."

Audre Lorde

